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Mike Cove is a Technology Marketer, with over 35 years' experience in B2B. As a prominent international expert in Thermal Printing, with leadership experience in technology; R&D management; strategic and tactical marketing for growth and new business development, provides a unique knowledge and experience base to assist businesses with their growth strategies.
SMART Grooves consulting and AV services is located in Sherwood, Wisconsin on the NE shore on Lake Winnebago and was founded in 2016 by Mike Cove
With more than 35 years in large B2B paper corporations in the UK and USA, Mike has turned his experience and passion for market intelligence and new business growth into a unique consulting service—one that is particularly suited to technology products and markets
A sound scientific and marketing university education and experience provides the backdrop to the Smart Grooves approach to solving business problems and to make it relevant to both technology and marketing professionals.
It starts with customer needs and ends with a robust solution pipeline and a winning offering.
Market driven strategies emanate from a clear and detailed understanding of relevant markets and trends.
Creating a sustainable growth strategy requires gathering insight on market trends, competitive landscape, current and future business capabilities, end-user and channel player decision making processes, value chain analysis and many other data and insight points. This provides the backdrop to understanding, not only the current situation but, begins the process of assessing what the strategic options are to groove out a pathway to sustainable financial success.
These processes are not new and are utilized by successful companies around the world in one form or another.
What SMART Grooves brings to its clients is the experience and knowledge to create structure and processes that fit with their needs and gaps with an ability to piece the complex jigsaw together in ways that are easy to understand and relevant to multi-disciplined organizations.
Growth Strategy
Sustainable business growth is the result of a definitive and committed business strategy which flows resources to understand its markets and future needs thus creating a sustainable solution pipeline that maximizes current or acquired capabilities.